Compre la leña donde se va a usar, cielo azul

Spanish language version of Don’t Move Firewood’s 2017 national poster design in blue sky art. Formatted in 8.5″x11″. Features art of an Asian longhorned beetle.

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Don’t Move Firewood

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood poster, buy it where you burn it, no mueva la leña, Compre la leña donde se va a usar, español

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The Nature Conservancy

Compre la leña donde se va a usar, cielo nocturno

Spanish language version of Don’t Move Firewood’s 2017 national poster design in black starry night art. Formatted in 8.5″x11″. Features art of emerald ash borer.

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Don’t Move Firewood

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood poster, buy it where you burn it, no mueva la leña, Compre la leña donde se va a usar, español

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

What’s in Your Firewood Missouri Brochure 2019

Missouri Department of Conservation custom design of brochure for 2019 campground outreach on firewood. Formatted to fold into 8.5×11 doublesided. Featuring an infographic approach to depicting pests and pathogens associated with firewood.

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Missouri Department of Conservation

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood infographic, buy it where you burn it, Missouri Department of Conservation

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Missouri Department of Conservation

Don’t Move Firewood poster, Hawai’i version 2019

Hawai’i (Big island) specific version of Don’t Move Firewood’s national poster design, custom graphics designed to show Hawai’i specific colors, scenery, insects, pest issues, and wood types. Formatted in 8.5″x11″ but also available by request in 11×17.

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Don’t Move Firewood

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood poster, buy it where you burn it, rapid o’hia death, o’hia tree, little fire ant, big island, hawaii, hawai’i

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University of Hawaiʻi

Spotted Lanternfly Temporary Tattoo

A temporary tattoo of a Spotted lanternfly along with the Don’t Move Firewood logo.

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The Nature Conservancy

Keyword Tagging:

temporary tattoo, spotted lanternfly, SLF tattoo

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The Nature Conservancy

Don’t Move Firewood poster, North Dakota 2019

North Dakota specific version of Don’t Move Firewood’s national poster design, custom graphics designed to show ND scenery. Also used for an advertising slot in the 2020 ND Hunting and Fishing guide.

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Don’t Move Firewood

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood poster, buy it where you burn it, emerald ash borer, north dakota

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Contact Agency:

North Dakota Department of Agriculture

MS Forestry Firewood Graphic

Firewood graphic by Mississippi Forestry Commission shared on social media. Image includes “buy it where you burn it” wording and Don’t Move Firewood logo.

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Mississippi Forestry Commission

Keyword Tagging:

buy it where you burn it, Mississippi, firewood

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Mississippi Forestry Commission

FOCI Newsletter 2019 October

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for October 2019, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: Firewood Month, the new, shorter Don’t Move Firewood Campaign survey, the proposal to federally deregulate pine shoot beetle, climate implications for spotted lanternfly, and more!

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Don’t Move Firewood

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2019 Oct FOCI_w

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The Nature Conservancy

Don’t Move Firewood billboard, Massachusetts version 2019

Custom version of Don’t Move Firewood’s billboard design for Massachusetts PSA based outreach opportunity. Includes Buy It Where You Burn It logo and Asian longhorned beetle image. Made in many different aspect ratios for multiple placements.

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood billboard, buy it where you burn it billboard

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Contact Title:

Public Information Officer, Asian Longhorned Beetle and Emerald Ash Borer Programs

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PlayCleanGo Week 2019 Top Ten

PlayCleanGo Week 2019 Social Media graphic featuring Don’t Move Firewood wording and logo. Part of the promotional PlayCleanGo 2019 package.

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Don’t Move Firewood

Keyword Tagging:

playcleango, play clean go, don’t move firewood, buy it where you burn it

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Don’t Move Firewood