Don’t Move Firewood Advertisement Georgia Lakeside Forest Camper 2021

Custom Don’t Move Firewood advertisement built for use in Georgia travel magazine. Designed and published in 2021. Features emerald ash borer, tent camper alongside a scenic forested lake imagery, and customized wording.

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The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it advertisement

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood

Don’t Move Firewood Advertisement Badlands Hills 2021

Custom Don’t Move Firewood advertisement built for use in North and South Dakota travel magazines. Designed and published in 2021. Features emerald ash borer, riparian area and low striped Badlands-style hills imagery, and customized wording.

Please Specify the Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it advertisement

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood

Don’t Move Firewood Advertisement Northern Woods 2021

Custom Don’t Move Firewood advertisement built for use in New England and Great Lakes northern forested states travel magazines. Designed and published in 2021. Features emerald ash borer, mixed hardwood and pine forest and green mountains imagery, and customized wording.

Please Specify the Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it advertisement

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood

Don’t Move Firewood Advertisement Hills and Rivers 2021

Custom Don’t Move Firewood advertisement built for use in Great Plains and upper Midwestern states travel magazines. Designed and published in 2021. Features emerald ash borer, riparian area and low hills imagery, and customized wording.

Please Specify the Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign

Keyword Tagging:

don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it advertisement

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood

FOCI Newsletter 2021 April

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for April 2021, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: Firewood Scout, emerald ash borer regulation in Canada and programs after deregulation in US, Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, and more!

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Don’t Move Firewood

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2021 April FOCI

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

FOCI Newsletter 2021 Late February

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for late February 2021, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: National Invasive Species Awareness Week, the Firewood Outreach Calendar, upcoming spring webinars, emerald ash borer deregulation and programs moving forward, and more!

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Don’t Move Firewood

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2021 L Feb FOCI

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

FOCI Newsletter 2021 Early February

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for early February 2021, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: USDA APHIS deregulation of emerald ash borer, a new publication in the scientific literature that reviews current knowledge on firewood and forest pests, upcoming webinars and virtual meetings, and more!

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Don’t Move Firewood

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2021 E Feb FOCI

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

FOCI Newsletter 2020 December

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for December 2020, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: upcoming federal deregulation of emerald ash borer, safe Christmas tree disposal, winter webinars and virtual meetings, and more!

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Don’t Move Firewood

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2020 Dec FOCI

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

FOCI Newsletter 2020 November

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for November 2020, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: Christmas trees, winter webinars and virtual meetings, and more!

Please Specify the Agency:

Don’t Move Firewood

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2020 November FOCI

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Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy

FOCI Newsletter 2020 Late October

Firewood Outreach Professionals newsletter for late October 2020, also called FOCI newsletter, Firewood Outreach Coordination Initiative. Contains information on: Firewood Month, National Forest Products Week, Fall webinars and meetings, and more!

Please Specify the Agency:

Don’t Move Firewood

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2020 L October FOCI

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Contact Email Address:

Contact Agency:

The Nature Conservancy