
What about moving lumber?

Dear Don’t Move Firewood- I understand firewood cannot be transported over 50 miles in New York state. My question is regarding lumber from trees cut on my property and sawed into 2×4’s and similar lumber on site. Is this still covered by the transportation regulations? Yours, DIY Lumber Yard Dear DIY Lumber Yard- Dimensional lumber […]

Firewood Scout going national!

Guest blog authored by Jessica Simons, Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation and Development Council   Thanks to the tireless work of so many organizations and agencies, the phrase “Don’t Move Firewood” is an increasingly common refrain among campers and outdoors enthusiasts. However, this message often brings about an immediate follow-up question: “So, where should I get […]

Outreach successes at North Carolina State Fair

Guest blog by Rob Trickel, North Carolina Forest Service, Forest Health Branch Head   Thousands of visitors to the North Carolina State Fair became walking billboards for the North Carolina Forest Service Don’t Move Firewood campaign this fall.  Each visitor to the Fair's Forest was given the opportunity to answer a scavenger hunt type quiz […]

What about moving Christmas trees?

Dear Don’t Move Firewood, You say that we shouldn’t move firewood, but don’t Christmas trees move really far before they get to our house? What about that? Can’t that spread pests? Yours, Concerned about Christmas Dear Concerned, Great question. Christmas trees are different from firewood in a few important ways. They are cut while alive- so […]

What is a firewood quarantine?

When most people hear the word “Quarantine,” they think of isolating a person that’s sick with some dangerous, contagious disease. When we talk about a forest pest related quarantine, the underlying concept is the same– it is just that instead of not letting people move around, we’re often talking about not moving firewood around.   […]

Harness the Power of Birdwatchers!

Did you know that 20% of US residents identify themselves as a birdwatcher, bird lover, or birder? That’s a LOT of binocular wielding citizen scientists! Does that include… YOU? Here at Don’t Move Firewood, we’d like to invite all the birdwatchers that participate in the Christmas Bird Count, Great Backyard Bird Count, or just everyday […]

California’s 2014 Roadside Signs for Goldspotted Oak Borer

Guest blog by Kevin Turner, Goldspotted Oak Borer Program Coordinator, University of California Riverside   In the spring of 2014, the California Firewood Task Force was able to offer “year-end funds” to the Goldspotted Oak Borer (GSOB) Outreach Committee for a much awaited roadside sign project in Southern California.  Our multi-agency committee had conceived of […]

Firewood Outreach Coordinating Initiative Survey

The Firewood Outreach Coordinating Initiative (FOCI) serves as a venue for individuals actively engaged in firewood outreach, allowing the frequent sharing of activities, ideas, and information throughout North America. One of the many participants in the FOCI is the manager of Don’t Move Firewood (yours truly)- but it is important to note that Don’t Move […]

Charcoal, mesquite, and your upcoming BBQ

Sub Title: Here at Don't Move Firewood, we get quite a few questions about speciality woods used for smoking meats. Here's a recent sample question we addressed from the Dear Don't Move Firewood email "hotline."   Dear Don't Move Firewood, I was wondering- what about moving bags of mesquite charcoal? I live in Phoenix and […]