
Free downloads for National Moth Week

Did you know that some invasive moths can travel to new places, and infest new forests and trees, on contaminated firewood? In 2022, National Moth Week will be July 23 to 31 and here at Don’t Move Firewood we are providing all our free moth-related materials and downloads to anyone that would like to learn more […]

Get ready for a great summer!

Are you excited for this summer? Here at Don’t Move Firewood, we’re looking forward to it for sure. Here’s our quick guide to our available summer resources for outreach professionals, parents, kids and anyone looking for more information:   Summer Special Events that are great for firewood outreach: June 6th, 2015: National Trails Day June […]

Attract more attention with Forest Pest Fly Tying

Guest blog authored by Bob Wiltshire, Executive Director, Invasive Species Action Network Are you looking for a great way to stimulate discussion about forest pests? The Forest Pest Fly Tying Project may be the program you need! If you’re not familiar with fly tying you probably don’t realize the amazing things a talented fly tier […]

Exotic Forest Pests a Threat to Our Mountains

Guest Editorial from Jason Love, Chair, Western North Carolina Public Lands Council   Exotic Forest Pests a Threat to Our Mountains   I am writing on behalf of the Western North Carolina Public Lands Council, an advisory group appointed by the Governor of North Carolina, whose mission is to promote the protection, conservation, and sustainability […]

Are pinecones bad to move like firewood?

Dear Don't Move Firewood, Can I take pine cones with me when I travel? Yours, Pine Cone Lover   Dear Pine Cone Lover, Pine cones can carry lots of pests of pine trees, so this is a good question.   When you talk about any sort of insect-spreading risk, it is important to be realistic […]

Planning an epic road trip!

Dear Don’t Move Firewood- I’m getting ready for a big roadtrip- heading to Yellowstone, the Tetons, and then down into Utah for Zion, Arches- maybe even Escalante. Can I buy all my firewood in (hometown) Idaho, and then just use it as I go? Signed, Excited Roadtripper! Dear Roadtripper, Sounds like an awesome trip, and […]

What about moving lumber?

Dear Don’t Move Firewood- I understand firewood cannot be transported over 50 miles in New York state. My question is regarding lumber from trees cut on my property and sawed into 2×4’s and similar lumber on site. Is this still covered by the transportation regulations? Yours, DIY Lumber Yard Dear DIY Lumber Yard- Dimensional lumber […]