
Firewood from elsewhere to my neighborhood?

Dear Don't Move Firewood, I have a neighbor cutting up trees that he brings from another location in his driveway, that he then sells as firewood. We are in the middle of town, so not only is there a lot of noise, but I am worried he's bringing emerald ash borers or other bugs into […]

Firewood from Colorado to California?

Dear Don't Move Firewood, Can I bring Aspen firewood to California?  All the firewood was cut from dead Aspen trees in (not Boulder county) Colorado. If I can, do I need a letter showing authorization? Yours, Concerned Coloradoan   Dear Concerned Coloradoan, It is not a good idea to take Aspen firewood, or any firewood, […]

Firewood from Texas to New Mexico?

Dear Don’t Move Firewood, I am trying to bring oak firewood into New Mexico from Texas. Is there any legal way this is possible? Yours, Law Abiding Texan Dear Law Abiding Texan, The answer to your question is straightforward. If you live in an Imported Fire Ant quarantined county (see map here) within the state […]

New threat to Hawaiian trees underscores need for prevention of spread

Guest blog by Faith Campbell with the Center for Invasive Species Prevention The Hawaiian Islands’ remaining native forests are dominated by the ʻōhiʻa lehua tree (Metrosideros polymorpha). The tree provides nectar for the Islands’ unique honeycreepers- a subfamily of native Hawaiian birds. These birds, the Islands’ one native terrestrial mammal (Hawaiian hoary bat), and many […]

Two new features in the Gallery of Pests

Don’t Move Firewood, in cooperation with Faith Campbell of the Center for Invasive Species Prevention, maintains the Gallery of Pests*. The Gallery of Pests is an extremely thorough look into the history, biology, and systems surrounding invasive pests that affect trees and tree-like perennial plants (such as columnar cacti) native and urban forest, desert, island, […]