
Travelers entering Iowa are strongly encouraged to leave out-of-state firewood behind. Within the state, Iowa’s Department of Natural Resources asks that you to buy wood from where you will burn it and avoid moving firewood over long distances.

Iowa has a labeling requirement for firewood offered, exposed, or sold in the state that must include information on harvest location by county and state, due to the destructive nature of forest pests that hide in or on firewood. This regulation is meant to help state officials prevent the entry and spread of harmful pests and diseases known to spread on firewood such as spotted lanternfly, spongy moth, Asian longhorned beetle, walnut twig beetle, and emerald ash borer. Iowa is especially at risk for the invasive spongy moth due to nearby establishment in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Many Iowa State Parks offer on-site firewood for visitors; check if your destination is one of them before bringing firewood. Officials in Iowa encourage firewood users to buy local and burn local firewood.

This summary is accurate to the best of DMF staff abilities as of 23 July 2024.

General Iowa Web Resources:

Pest Specific Information

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