Email Address:
DMF Communications
The Nature Conservancy
Don’t Move Firewood press release for Arbor Day celebrations, talking about keeping trees healthy and the importance of old trees and new trees
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood, press release, arbor day, city trees, old trees, new trees,
Email Address:
DMF Communications
The Nature Conservancy
Don’t Move Firewood press release for the holiday and christmas season, discussing safe use and disposal of christmas trees, decorations, and garlands.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
press release, don’t move firewood, christmas, christmas tree, holiday greenery, garland, decorations,
Email Address:
Outreach Coordinator
California Firewood Task Force
Buy it where you burn it postcard for California Firewood Task Force with burning log and black bug. White background. 2012 version in English
Please Specify the Agency:
California Firewood Task Force
Keyword Tagging:
Buy it where you burn it, postcard, California Firewood Task Force, CA
Email Address:
Outreach Coordinator
California Firewood Task Force
Buy it where you burn it poster for California Firewood Task Force with burning log. Black background with Sudden Oak Death, SOD. 2012 version in English
Please Specify the Agency:
California Firewood Task Force
Keyword Tagging:
Buy it where you burn it, California Firewood Task Force, burning log, Sudden Oak Death, SOD
Email Address:
Outreach Coordinator
California Firewood Task Force
Goldspotted oak borer poster for California Firewood Task Force with black background. Buy it where you burn it with burning log. 2012 version in English
Please Specify the Agency:
California Firewood Task Force
Keyword Tagging:
goldspotted oak borer, buy it where you burn it, don’t move firewood, log, california firewood task force
Email Address:
Outreach Coordinator
California Firewood Task Force
Buy it where you burn it poster for California Firewood Task Force with burning log. Black background. 2012 version in English
Please Specify the Agency:
California Firewood Task Force
Keyword Tagging:
california, CA, buy it where you burn it, log, fire, english
Email Address:
Outreach Coordinator
California Firewood Task Force
Buy it where you burn it poster for California Firewood Task Force with burning log. White background. 2012 version in English
Please Specify the Agency:
California Firewood Task Force
Keyword Tagging:
california, CA, buy it where you burn it, don’t move firewood, task force
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood campaign manager
The Nature Conservancy
Large format poster for group of WV agencies with red top border and campfire.
Please Specify the Agency:
STOMP West Virginia
Keyword Tagging:
west virginia, poster, STOMP, Potomac Highlands CWPMA, Appalachian forest heritage area, WV
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood campaign manager
The Nature Conservancy
Montana postcard for hunting and fishing licensees with big mountains on the front and Don’t Move Firewood messages on the back
Please Specify the Agency:
Keyword Tagging:
montana, postcard, mountains, hunting, fishing, postcard
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood campaign manager
The Nature Conservancy
1/3 page brochure for group of TX agencies, customized with local pests of concern. Red top with Moving Firewood banner text and Buy It Where You Burn it subtitle
Please Specify the Agency:
Texas Agencies (several)
Keyword Tagging:
redbay ambrosia beetle, gypsy moth, eab, emerald ash borer, sirex woodwasp, texas parks and wildlife, texas a&m agrilife, texas a&m extension