Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
1/3 page mailing slip for use with camping reservation in New Hampshire campgrounds, issued 2010
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
asian longhorned beetle, mailing slip, don’t move firewood mailing slip, new hampshire
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
Example text describing the issue of forest pest movement on firewood in short and medium length sample blurbs
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood sample text, don’t move firewood explanation, don’t move firewood example text
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood Manager
The Nature Conservancy
Newly reissued birdwatchers handout showing holes in trees from woodpeckers and invasive forest pests for use in any birdwatching event, including Christmas Bird Count and Great Backyard Bird Count
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
holes in trees, birdwatcher guide to holes in trees, citizen scientists, birders, asian longhorned beetle exit hole, emerald ash borer hole, EAB hole, ALB hole
Email Address:
Don’t Move Firewood campaign manager
The Nature Conservancy
Firewood awareness and pest reporting poster by DE Dept of Agriculture, includes hotlines and is double sided
Please Specify the Agency:
Delaware Department of Agriculture
Keyword Tagging:
delaware, Delaware Department of Agriculture, you never know what might be hiding in your firewood