Custom advertisement for use in Oregon. Designed by Oregon Parks and Recreation Department as EAB awareness advertisement in Travel Oregon. Features emerald ash borer and firewood imagery as well as actionable alternatives to moving firewood.
Please Specify the Agency:
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
Keyword Tagging:
Oregon advertisement, emerald ash borer, Oregon Parks and Recreation, Oregon State Parks
Custom advertisement for use in Oregon. Designed and published by Oregon Department of Forestry Invasive Species/Forest Health Unit. Features emerald ash borer and campfire imagery and actionable alternatives to moving firewood.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy, Don’t Move Firewood campaign
Keyword Tagging:
Oregon advertisement, emerald ash borer, Oregon Department of Forestry
French language version of a Don’t Move Firewood full page advertisement and infographic with light sky background, invasive insects information, and Buy It Where You Burn It (Achetez-le la où vous le brûlerez) headline. Built in 2024 for French-speaking audiences.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it, Achetez-le la où vous le brûlerez, NE DÉPLACEZ PAS
French language version of a Don’t Move Firewood half page advertisement with light sky background, emerald ash borer imagery, and Buy It Where You Burn It (Achetez-le la où vous le brûlerez) headline. Built in 2024 for French-speaking audiences.
Please Specify the Agency:
Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
don’t move firewood advertisement, buy it where you burn it, Achetez-le la où vous le brûlerez, NE DÉPLACEZ PAS
LE BOIS DE CHAUFFAGE, french translation
Digital billboard style graphic (landscape) by Don’t Move Firewood that includes image of solar eclipse along with protective messaging, “Firewood Alert” and “buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, tree pests, solar eclipse, camping
Digital graphic by Don’t Move Firewood for use on social media. Includes image of solar eclipse along with protective messaging, “Firewood Alert” and “buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, tree pests, solar eclipse, camping
Camping graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes mountainous campsites with campfire, kids playing, and pine and aspen trees along with protective messaging and”buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it,campfire, tree pests
Camping graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes campsite with fire, wood and pests and protective messaging with “buy it where you burn it” wording.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it,campfire, tree pests
Firewood banner graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes campfire and orange Don’t Move Firewood logo.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it, campfire, tree pests, logo
Protect the places you love graphic by Don’t Move Firewood shared on social media. Image includes campfire on a starry night and local firewood messaging.
Please Specify the Agency:
The Nature Conservancy; Don’t Move Firewood
Keyword Tagging:
buy it where you burn it,campfire, tree pests