Speaking for the Trees

Speaking for the Trees @ Clearwater’s Great Hudson River Revival

By Katie Robb, Don't Move Firewood Summer Intern


Our second event of the summer was a huge success. We reached nearly 1,000 people over the course of the weekend while at Clearwater’s Great Hudson River Revival in Croton-On-Hudson, NY. There were many visitors who remembered us from years past; some even said that we’re their favorite booth! One teenage boy has been collecting our prize wheel give-aways, with the goal of getting something new every year. This time he walked away with one of our new trucker hats to add to his Don’t Move Firewood collection. Needless to say, he’s practically an expert on the Asian Longhorned Beetle and Emerald Ash Borer at this point.


Upon arriving at Clearwater on Friday night, we were directed to set up our booth in the Activist Area. It was at that moment that I found myself in a humorous situation. I attended a college which is known for being very liberal and rife with activism. However, over the course of my four years in school I was averse to becoming involved in the hot political issues on campus. I was probably as un-activist as you could get. Ironically, I now find myself working as an activist this summer; I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues (as Dr. Seuss’ Lorax would say). Clearly there are issues that make an activist out of me and I just hadn’t realized it yet.


Spending my weekends dressed in an Emerald Ash Borer costume and talking to people about the risk of transporting tree-killing invasive insects when moving firewood is really exciting. The highlight of my weekend was when I connected with an individual who admitted to recently cutting down a tree in their back yard with the intention of making firewood to use when camping. They realized that they could’ve unknowingly jeopardized their favorite summer camping spot in Maine by bringing firewood along with them from their home in Connecticut, and then promptly agreed to buy firewood local to the campsite. It’s encouraging to see that the effort I make can have an immediate impact on reducing the threat to our forests’ health. Although, I can’t claim all the credit, visitors to our booth often take our education materials for their friends and family who they know use firewood for camping or heating their homes. A cooperative effort gives our beloved maples, willows, birch, elm, and ash trees (to name a few!) the chance to stand tall for generations to come.


So I suppose it’s time to admit that I’m actually an activist. In retrospect, The Lorax was always one of my favorite books growing up as a child.

Billboards in Idaho and Montana this summer

Driving through the two big intermountain states of Idaho and Montana this summer will bring you past a whole bunch of Don’t Move Firewood billboards! With locations at nearly all incoming interstates for Idaho, and several locations near Yellowstone in Montana, the total coverage from these billboards will be a minimum of 2.7 million viewers during the summer months, with the possibility of many more viewers if funds permit extensions on the billboard rentals. Here at Don’t Move Firewood, we are thrilled to participate in partnerships like this- many thanks to Idaho Department of Lands, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Forestry Division, and the United States Forest Service for their excellent work!

Here’s the design chosen by Idaho:

And here is the design chosen by Montana:

And here’s what the Montana design looked like in person at one of the locations!

We also made billboard in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio in 2014. Read about those efforts, and see their design, here.

BioBlitz in Great Barrington

Species Scavenger Hunt in Berkshire County, MA

by Ariel Kirk


Last weekend marked the fourth Berkshire BioBlitz located in Great Barrington, MA- and the first event for the summer intern season for Don't Move Firewood! This year’s BioBlitz was hosted by Collin Adkins, an AmeriCorps member serving in the Berkshire region.  Volunteers and nature enthusiasts came together to lead educational and eye-opening programs for the community.  Local organizations like Project Native, Berkshire Natural Resource Council (BRNC), Greenagers, and our own campaign for Don’t Move Firewood turned out to support the event.  The concept was simple, but still a large undertaking:   In a 24 hour span, identify as many species as possible by observing the wildlife and local biodiversity.  Many of the volunteers led nature walks to look and listen for birds or to identify trees, mushrooms, or whatever else caught their fancy.


Katie and I had a great time meeting new people and introducing them, in turn, to the message of Don’t Move Firewood and the importance of maintaining the health of our forests.  We’re both looking forward to an amazing summer working as the Don’t Move Firewood interns.


So who are we?


I (Ariel Kirk) am from Rochester, NY and have always liked the outdoors and exploring my surroundings.  I’m graduating this summer from SUNY Brockport with my MS in Environmental Science and Biology.  There’s a huge range of biodiversity in forest environments and that variety is what initially captured my interest about nature as a child.  This biodiversity is in jeopardy in part because of invasive pests.  I’m looking forward to spreading the information I’ve learned during my academic career and through this program to bring awareness to the public and how we can make a considerable difference in the health of our forests.


I (Katie Robb) recently graduated from Smith College in Northampton, MA with a B.A. in Environmental Science & Policy. I spent most of my childhood in New Hampshire on the seacoast, but have lived in Western Massachusetts for the past four years. During my final two semesters of college, I became increasingly interested in invasive species management. Working with Don’t Move Firewood aligns perfectly with my interest in addressing the protection of our native species in New England. I see this internship as a way to make meaningful contributions to my community and environmental movement, and hopefully will jumpstart my career in the conservation field.


Next weekend (June 21st and 22nd) we'll have our booth at the Clearwater Festival in New York! Stop by to say hello-  you might even get the chance to spin our prize wheel and win some fun gear.


Using ends of cut 2x4s?

Dear Don’t Move Firewood,

I have a ton of 2 x 4 pieces to burn. Are those ok to bring to a campground?


Avid Lumber User


Dear Avid Lumber User,

Someone must have put out “the Bat Signal” for 2 x 4s as firewood this week, because you are the fourth person to email me about this since Friday. So let’s set the record straight on cut scrap 2 x 4 ends!


From a practical perspective, commercially kiln dried clean scraps of lumber (also called dimensional lumber) are a pretty safe alternative to traditional cut firewood. Because they are bark-free, and are usually stored indoors, this is a very low risk wood choice.


However, from several other perspectives, they become a problem. Here’s a quick breakdown of the issues:

  • Some campsites ban what they consider “construction scraps” to protect the safety of their maintenance workers. Even if YOUR 2×4 scraps don’t have sharp nails and brackets and screws in them, they might be banned anyways.
  • Scrap wood stored outside can absolutely still have hitchhitching forest pests on or in it. For instance, spongy moths will readily lay eggs on wood scraps.
  • Wood scraps can fall into a grey area in terms of the legality of moving firewood across certain borders. You don’t want to think something is legal, only to find out that you could be subject to fines for moving just a bit of scrap wood.
  • Treated wood is highly toxic when burned. Make sure to keep any treated wood separated from the clean 2x4s pile to avoid accidentally burning hazardous chemicals like arsenic.


So what’s our formal opinion on 2 x 4 scrap lumber bits for firewood? Its fine for home use, backyard use, and local campgrounds when permitted. But because it brings up a lot of questions when moved farther or across borders, it’d be best to restrict using 2x4s to your nearby campgrounds, and call ahead.


For information on a related topic, burning pallets, see our 2013 blog “What about burning pallets?”

Buying firewood at a large store?

Dear Don't Move Firewood,

I am on the Board of Directors for my community in (town near Denver), Colorado, and I want to spread the word to my community about moving firewood. I am unclear on one thing: Is firewood bought from the grocery store, or a big box store, okay if it is sourced from far away? Thank you!

Concerned Citizen


Dear Concerned Citizen,


You are right to be a little perplexed about how and if large stores purchase firewood wisely. While large stores are going to be very careful to source their firewood supplies legally, the legal rules in place actually aren't fully protective against certain forest pest situations. For instance, many forest pest infestations take years to be discovered- and all that time, firewood could be shipped hundreds of miles away to be sold at your town's chain gas stations, large grocery stores, and "big box" retailers. Likewise, native forest pests could be present and not subject to quarantines- yet moving these pests hundreds or even thousands of miles in firewood can pose a very real risk to forests and trees.


I inquired with my colleague Mitch Yergert, Director of the Colorado Division of Plant Industry, to see what his official statement might be for Colorado firewood. He said, "Because there are no national firewood regulations, we have no way of knowing what pests firewood imported from outside of Colorado may be harboring.  Therefore it is much better to purchase firewood produced locally so that the chance of moving plant pests is greatly reduced."


This bring us to- what is local? when is firewood actually local? That's a really tricky question- in Wisconsin, the regulation is 10 miles from wood source to burn location. In many states, the guideline or regulation is 50 miles. For Colorado, the guidelines are not mileage specific, but instead authorities suggest "as close as possible" whenever feasible, and always from within the state of Colorado itself. Additionally, because of the presence of both non-native and native forest pests (emerald ash borer, thousand cankers disease, mountain pine beetle) in Colorado trees, it is extremely important for Coloradoans never to take firewood with them out of state, or even to different communities within the state.


The one notable exception to these out-of-state concerns is wood that is certified as heat treated, with USDA-APHIS heat treatment seal on it. This wood is heated in a kiln to a specific high temperature, for a set duration of time to "cook", which kills all potential pests in the wood. Packaged and labeled heat treated wood like this is safe to use even if it is from many states away. However, wood with a certified heat treatment seal is not widely available in Colorado, so it isn't a great solution to the general regional question. (Learn more about heat treated firewood, and how it is not the same as just kiln dried firewood, here)


Best of luck with your educational efforts!


Getting ready for summer!

Things are in full swing here at Don’t Move Firewood. Here’s what we are up to:

  • We’ve done primary interviews with all the top candidates for the Don’t Move Firewood internship. Wow- what a great group! If you were interviewed, please check your email immediately, as we’ve now sent notifications of “call backs” (and non-call-backs) to all the interviewees.
  • Our annual order of amazing educational items is almost ready. From fake tattoos to water bottles, we are all abuzz with excitement around the office.
  • Schedule is being drawn up for the summer. Some new events, some old favorites.

Are you ready for YOUR summer? Camping, hiking, wearing an emerald ash borer costume, and telling everyone to buy local firewood or gather when permitted?

If you applied for our internships…

What a week! If you applied for our two summer internship positions, please – PLEASE – check the email account that you included on your resume and/or cover letter. We have now emailed all the current first round phone interview candidates. Phone interviews are starting today! CHECK YOUR EMAIL.


Thanks! Have a great weekend.



Earth Day free downloads from Don’t Move Firewood!

Getting ready to educate kids and adults during your upcoming Earth Day celebration? Download our free materials today, and help save trees and forests from invasive forest pests!


Don’t Move Firewood Coloring Sheets

Asian longhorned beetle coloring sheet

Emerald ash borer coloring sheet

Firewood Users coloring sheet

All three as a Coloring Book


Don’t Move Firewood Insect Masks

Asian longhorned beetle mask

Emerald ash borer mask

Goldspotted oak borer mask

Spongy moth mask

Walnut twig beetle mask

Find out all about our forest pests masks here

We are reviewing intern applications now

Curious what's up with your application to be an intern with Don't Move Firewood? We closed the application period on Monday night and are now reviewing the many applications. We are SO EXCITED about all the really great applicants.


We hope to conclude the first round of reviews this week, and will be contacting potential interviewees next week. Most importantly, we can already tell that we'll have many more awesome people apply than we could ever hope to hire, so THANK YOU for all your interest!


We are hiring summer interns!

Enthusiastic conservation interns needed for two positions (one 3 months, one 6 months) in Western Massachusetts with Don't Move Firewood's summer campaign! Our interns will travel to events throughout the region to educate the public about the issues tackled by Don't Move Firewood- talking about invasive forest pests moving on contaminated firewood, and how people can help look for and report pests. Experience speaking with the public is crucial, a background and/or education in forest issues, conservation biology, or other related field is desirable.


To apply, visit The Nature Conservancy's Job Listing #41992. Applications are due before April 7th 2014.


Please note that a small glitch in this listing sometimes makes it look like the interns will be based in Boston. They will not be in Boston. They will be based in Great Barrington, MA.


Do not apply via any email or form found on Don't Move Firewood's main site. You must go to the TNC Careers listing or your application will not be considered. Thank you!