When all else fails, burn it

New question for Dear Don’t Move Firewood!

Dear Don’t Move Firewood,

I have a tenant who brought ash firewood from Massachusetts to Connecticut without my prior knowledge and has stored the wood on the property within the structure. I am reporting this as I am concerned for both the home and other trees on my property.

Yours, Worried in CT

Dear Worried,

First, let me put your mind at ease in terms of the risk to your rental property’s structure. The emerald ash borer does not infest standing structures like houses. It needs live flowing sap in the wood to survive and reproduce.

Now, to the meat of the issue. You have potentially EAB infested wood on your hands. Here’s my advice. Burn it. Burn it all, burn it now, and let the renter know exactly why you are doing this. Be safe with your bonfire or fireplace, of course, but burn it soon. The adult EABs, if they are in there, could emerge as early as the end of April. So burn it before those bugs can crawl out! Make sure to get all little bark scraps and other debris and burn that too.

If your renter brought the wood to your house from Berkshire County of Massachusetts, they have violated a quarantine and could be at risk for a major fine. The quarantine is in place because Berkshire county has a known infestation of EAB in the Pittsfield/Dalton area, and there could be other infestations in the area as well. If you feel reminding them of this quarantine will help them take you seriously to NEVER move firewood like this again, please feel free to kindly show them this informative link; https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/plant-pest-and-disease-programs/pests-and-diseases/emerald-ash-borer

If you think you have found an EAB or signs and symptoms of EAB, please report it! Learn more at https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/plant-pest-and-disease-programs/pests-and-diseases/emerald-ash-borer 





Proper storm debris disposal is important

Today's winter storms across the eastern seaboard will likely bring down trees across the region- falling onto powerlines, into backyards, and across roads. Here at Don't Move Firewood, we'd like to remind you that once those trees are safely dealt with in the short term, there might be invasive pests in the remaining logs, branches, and even leaves for the long term.


Here are a few "Do's" for properly dealing with excess tree debris after a storm:

– Cut, stack, and dry the wood for firewood on the site in which it fell. There is nothing wrong with using firewood for home heating or outdoor enjoyment as long as you use it near where it fell.

– Inquire with your municipality if they will have a storm debris program, if you have too much to deal with on your own property. Sometimes there is free wood pickup by the city or county a few weeks after the immediate storm damage is dealt with.

– Giving away firewood to a nearby neighbor is generous and does not represent a significant pest hazard. Consider sharing it locally only.

– Treat all tree debris with care. Branches and leaves can also spread pests- never dump materials! Instead, use municipal services like large scale composting or landfills.


And here are the "Don'ts" for storm debris:

– Of course, don't get anywhere near wood that might be in contact with electrical wires. Wait for the authorities to ensure your safety!

– Don't later give away the wood at the side of the road. You might know not to move firewood- but not everybody does. Only share with local acquaintances.

– Don't take the wood with you for any camping trips, or take it to your cabin in the woods. Don't move firewood!

– Don't use tree care contractors without first checking out their credentials. Use the internet or call the city better business bureau to make sure they are in compliance with state and local wood disposal certifications.


Lastly, stay safe and warm, everyone.



New house to old house?

The Dear Don't Move Firewood column that we post periodically is taken directly from emails that we receive here at the website. One letter that we got this weekend was so specific, however, that we can't really run it without compromising someone's identity. Intriguing, right?


I'll leave you hanging, but the substantial takeaway messages are the same as always.

  • – Moving firewood 90 miles across a single state is too far, and not a good idea. Especially, of course, if the state has multiple quarantined counties for multiple pests.
  • – If you find out someone has moved firewood that far, and you are able to kindly persuade them to immediately burn all the wood they moved, that is the best option.
  • – When you are having trouble convincing someone that they should not move firewood, try finding someone they WILL listen to as backup. Maybe they have a friend that is a Master Gardener? Or can you find an article in the online archives of your local newspaper?


And best of all, you can always submit your questions to us here at Don't Move Firewood for a neutral assessment of the situation. We are helpful, usually prompt, and pretty well versed in national and local regulations.


Good luck. Email us at info at dont move firewood dot org to submit your questions!

Press Release: Look for tree pests during Great Backyard Bird Count

NEWS RELEASE — For Immediate Release

Contact: Sarah Volkman, 215-622-0557



Looking for sickly or damaged trees and shrubs during the annual bird count can help preserve vital wildlife habitats.

Arlington, VA—February 15, 2013— This weekend, bird watchers worldwide participating in the 16th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), February 15-18, are encouraged to look for and report signs of tree pests like the emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle, and many more. During the bird count, participants simply watch birds at any location for at least 15 minutes, tally the numbers of each species they see, and report their tallies online. While conducting these surveys, bird watchers are also encouraged to look at the birds’ habitats for signs of invasive insects and diseases.


“The Great Backyard Bird Count is an ideal opportunity for bird watchers to check the trees for signs of invasive pests like Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) and Emerald Ash Borer (EAB),” said Jennifer Forman Orth, State Plant Pest Survey Coordinator at the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. “The damage from these insects can easily be seen in winter, when there are no leaves on the trees, and birdwatchers are typically armed with a pair of binoculars that will help them check high-up branches for the perfectly round holes left by ALB in maples and other hardwoods, or the D-shaped exit holes and increased woodpecker activity associated with EAB infestations in ash trees.”


Many of the forest pests and diseases that affect trees can be stopped or slowed if they are found and treated early enough by the proper authorities. The Nature Conservancy’s Don’t Move Firewood program works with USDA APHIS and many state agencies nationwide encouraging people to report all signs of potential forest pests.


“Trees and forests are an essential part of our lives, and they provide shade and shelter, jobs and products, and clean air and water. From tree-lined neighborhood streets to national parks, we count on trees to provide benefits today and for generations to come,” says Bill Toomey, Director of Forest Health Protection for The Nature Conservancy. “That’s why it’s critical for everyone to be aware of the trees around them, and to report the signs of destructive tree pests to the proper authorities.”


Participants in the Great Backyard Bird Count should report any suspicious damage or signs of forest pests as soon as they have concluded entering their bird data. Bird watchers are encouraged to take digital photos of any damage observed, identify the species of tree with the damage if possible, and then report findings using websites or state hotlines. Below is a sampling of websites for regionally and nationally important invasive forest pests.



To learn more about Don’t Move Firewood, visit https://www.DontMoveFirewood.org


The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. The Conservancy and its more than one million members have been responsible for the protection of more than 18 million acres in the United States and have helped preserve more than 117 million acres in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. Visit us on the Web at www.nature.org.


Cottonwood and Pecan to California

Let's finish up this week right with a question for our advice column, Dear Don't Move Firewood.


Dear Don't Move Firewood,


Can I bring either or both Cottonwood and/or Pecan firewood into California from Arizona?  I have relatives there  and access to such wood…. I would be bringing the wood on the I-10 through the Blythe area. The Cottonwood would be coming from Globe, AZ and the Pecan from the Gilbert/Phoenix area.  I'm not sure which I would get, probably the Pecan as I think it may burn better? (Ed. note: question lightly edited for clarity)



Jim from California


Dear Jim,


I posed your question to the local expert, Don Owen from the Calif. Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection. He's the chair of the California Firewood Task Force. Here's his response:


"The CA Firewood Task Force does not recommend bringing firewood of any kind into the state unless it has been treated to eliminated pests.  There is no quarantine that prevents the movement of this wood, but if it is infested with insects or other pests, the CA Agricultural Border Stations may confiscate and destroy it."


My opinion, as the manager of Don't Move Firewood, is that moving cottonwood and pecan wood this far is really not a good idea and you shouldn't do it. Even if you lived in Blythe (which it looks like you live farther West into CA given your email, but setting that aside) you'd be moving this wood over 240 miles- that's almost five times the very maximum recommended distance for moving firewood.


There are many tree pests even in the arid areas of Arizona that you'd risk transporting. Did you know that the goldspotted oak borer, which has killed tens of thousands of oaks in San Diego County, might have gotten there from firewood originating in Arizona? You'd hate to be responsible for killing tens of thousands of California pecan trees, accidentally, if your wood had some previously unknown pests within it.


So here's the bottom line- please don't move that firewood. Truthfully, it wouldn't be against the law to do it, but it isn't a good decision, and it may end up confiscated at the CA border anyway.


Thanks for asking!





Losing your trees is bad for your health

There is a new study just released that shows there is a link between losing a lot of trees in your neighborhood and declining health of the residents in that area. It is a fascinating read, and it underscores the critical importance of not bringing in firewood from far away (which can start an infestation that then decimates the trees) and also reporting any odd pests or damage quickly, so that you might lose one tree instead of all of them.


One thing I think gets a little lost in some of the other reporting of this article is that the emerald ash borer really has nearly nothing to do with the big picture. The scientists used neighborhoods that had been infested with EAB not because there is something particularly dangerous or bad about EAB, but because it is a pest that kills a lot of trees in many places. This same study could have easily been done with neighborhoods affected by Dutch Elm Disease in the 1930's and 1940's, for instance (had the technology and information been there for the research, of course). Likewise, it is important to remember that control methods for EAB, ALB, and other insects and diseases remove trees from neighborhoods that are going to lose all their trees no matter what. It isn't like ignoring the pests and dead and dying trees results in less damage. In fact, the most direct result of not controlling pests is the loss of more trees over the long run.





Press Release: Trees, Pests and People on NETA ACCESS feed

NEWS RELEASE — For Immediate Release


The documentary Trees, Pests & People raises awareness of destructive tree-killing invasive pests

Arlington, VA—January 10, 2013—The Nature Conservancy’s new  documentary, Trees, Pests & People, will be offered as a National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA) ACCESS feed for all 96 public broadcasting licensees in 43 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands on January 14th at 11am Eastern Standard Time. In this thirty minute documentary, the viewer meets concerned citizens and scientists from all around the country as they talk about their stake in tree health— with focus on what members of the public can do to help protect our forest resources.

“Having Trees, Pests & People on the NETA ACCESS feed will allow this important film to reach PBS viewers nationwide,” said Sarah Volkman, Communications Lead for The Nature Conservancy’s Forest Health Program. “We are very pleased to have our newest documentary included in the 2013 programming.”

From rural family businesses to urban residents, every person in North America is impacted directly or indirectly by invasive forest pests. Trees, Pests & People tells the story of how three different pests are affecting everyday lives in three separate regions of the country. In Missouri, the black walnut tree farms are threatened by the distant spread of thousand cankers disease, while in Florida the avocado growers are trying to slow the effects of newly arrived laurel wilt disease. In Baltimore, Maryland, the emerald ash borer is killing street trees while the city actively works to fight the problem – all the while realizing that the emerald ash borer has already killed millions of ash trees in 18 states.

Created in partnership with The Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases and the USDA APHIS, Trees, Pests & People illustrates the wide ranging effects that these threats have on our cities, small businesses, and natural landscapes. The film also provides tips on how to recognize and report these threats, showing how actions taken by everyday people can help prevent or minimize the loss of trees. Trees, Pests & People is a story of how America’s scientists, farmers, and city dwellers are all working together to keep trees healthy for decades to come.

“Trees and forests are an essential part of our lives, and they provide shade and shelter, jobs and products, and clean air and water. From tree-lined neighborhood streets to national parks, we count on trees to provide benefits today and for generations to come,” says Bill Toomey, Director of Forest Health Protection for The Nature Conservancy. “That’s why it’s critical for everyone to be aware of what they can do to prevent the spread of destructive tree pests.”

A recent study by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at University of California, Santa Barbara estimated that local governments are spending $2 billion and homeowners $2.5 billion a year for tree removal and replacement, treatment of trees, and lost property value due to introduced non-native forest insects and diseases.

Over the last hundred years, introduced species of invasive insects and diseases have killed tens of millions of trees in forests, cities, and towns across the country. In addition to the emerald ash borer, thousand cankers disease, and laurel wilt featured in the movie Trees, Pests & People,  there are many other tree-killing pests including Dutch elm disease, Asian longhorned beetle, Sirex woodwasp,  hemlock woolly adelgid, sudden oak death, and others.

Trees, Pests & People highlights how government, citizens, and corporations can close the pathways by which these tree-killing insects and diseases reach America and spread to new areas by working together. These actions can protect our wild and urban forests for the benefit of future generations.


To learn more about Trees, Pests & People, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j_VSeIykWY&


The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. The Conservancy and its more than one million members have been responsible for the protection of more than 18 million acres in the United States and have helped preserve more than 117 million acres in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. Visit us on the Web at www.nature.org.


The other frequently asked questions

We have a list of Frequently Asked Questions that addresses the perennial “how far is too far?” and a few other questions. But what about the other things people ask? Let’s try to read your mind…

Why didn’t I hear about this 20 years ago? Seriously, is this a new problem, or what?

You can easily argue that accidentally moving pests on contaminated firewood has been a problem pretty much since the invention of the automobile. The first problematic invasive forest pests on record arrived in North America in the late 1800’s, and some of them (like spongy moth) move easily on firewood. However, the issue has only gained national traction since scientists and land managers reached a good understanding of the huge role that firewood has played in the spread of emerald ash borer (EAB). EAB was discovered in the USA in 2002, so in that regard the problem is indeed new to the public eye.

Who runs this website?

The Nature Conservancy is the manager of the international Don’t Move Firewood campaign, and operates this website on a day-to-day basis. We also have a lot of partner organizations that help us craft our overall strategies and messages on the website from time to time.

How is this all funded?

Don’t Move Firewood has a wide variety of funding groups, with the current largest being funds from USDA-APHIS. We are proud to list all our funding sources here.

I see that most of your blogs are written by L. Greenwood. Is that the same L. Greenwood as this?

Nope. Totally different L. Greenwood.

New house, new firewood

Excellent question for our advice column, Dear Don't Move Firewood…


Dear Don't Move Firewood,

Maybe I've missed it on your site but I don't see any information on where to find firewood locally. We just bought a vacation home on Whidbey Island but so far I am not aware of a reputable firewood seller. Any information you have would be appreciated.


Thoughtful Burner


Dear Thoughtful,

You didn't miss it- we actually don't have information on exactly where to find local firewood on our site. It'd be nearly impossible to keep that sort of database up to date, and it'd be completely impossible to verify each vendor. Sorry!


Instead, I will offer some advice. You have two options; commercially kiln-dried firewood, or bulk regular firewood. If you want kiln-dried wood (which given that your new house is in one of the rainiest parts of the country might be a good idea), then you can go to most large retailers and look around for a stamp on the package that says something like Heat Treated or Kiln Dried. Of course, this wood is more expensive than bulk regular firewood, so if you are planning to use wood fuel to exclusively heat your house, you need another option.


Untreated firewood straight from the forest or woodpile is lowest risk if it comes from a nearby source (ideally, under 10 miles). So a great way to find firewood is to ask around your neighborhood for where they buy wood- in this case, you'd want to find a seller of wood that cuts and distributes it all within Whidbey Island. Looking at a map of your area, another option might be wood collected with permit on the West slope of Mt Baker National Forest. I don't think farther than that is a very good idea.


Good luck!


Happy New Year!

Are you celebrating the start of 2013 this weekend by doing some "out with the old, in with the new" kinda house cleaning, decoration disposal, and more? If so, please remember to read our tips (from a blog post last year) on how to get rid of old christmas trees and other tree decorations.


Alternatively, if you are planning on taking this first weekend of 2013 to go skiing, check out our second ski video, Ski Bro Talk Trees by Glen Plake!