
Several harmful tree-pests threaten forest and/or agricultural health in Missouri. Some of these include spongy moth, Asian longhorned beetle, spotted lanternfly, imported fire ant, pine shoot beetle, and thousand cankers disease – all of which can spread to new areas when people transport firewood. To prevent the spread of these and other invasive forest pests, Missouri Department of Conservation strongly recommends not moving firewood more than 50 miles from where it was harvested. Furthermore, since Missouri is already infested with pests like the highly destructive emerald ash borer, many nearby states prohibit the entry of uncertified firewood from Missouri.

Campgrounds in Missouri often have additional restrictions on the use or movement of firewood; many of them have firewood available for purchase on-site. Be sure to check the rules at your destination before traveling with firewood. When in doubt, buy it where you burn it!

This summary is accurate to the best of DMF staff abilities as of 22 July 2024.

Missouri General Resources

Pest Specific Information

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