Dying oak trees

A reader question about their dying oaks, and what to do about it…


Dear Don't Move Firewood,

We've had some oak trees die in our neighborhood this summer. I've lost one and was wondering if there was something I could do, like maybe add something to the soil that might help.


Concerned Tree Owner


Dear Concerned,


I'm sorry to hear about your oaks. There are many things that could be affecting your oaks- some of them are environmental (like drought stress) and others are native pests (like two-lined chestnut borer) and lastly, it could be non-native pests (like goldspotted oak borer or Sudden oak death). However, without further information, I have no idea what might be the issue with your oaks.


However, as we have said before, the most important thing after you have noticed something is wrong is to ask a professional for help. A certified arborist, a master gardener, or someone from the County Extension offices near you might be able to come over and give a diagnosis- or at least a really good guess- regarding what's up with your trees. In some cases, treatments could be reasonable and affordable. In other cases, the tree may not be saved. You won't know until you have a qualified opinion from someone that knows your area.


Good luck, and I hope you can save your other trees.